Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Something New

So this hasn't been updated for a while and I figured why not write something?!?! (And I am avoiding the homework that I KNOW I should not be avoiding because there is already a huge pile. . .)

This picture is of course from Disney World and I love it! So I want to thank Grandma and Grandpa once again for an amazing trip! :) Also I want to thank all of you for having the influence that you have had on my life and for the knowledge that I have that each of you care about me and love me! :) I am always thinking about how blessed I am for the family that I have - we have fun, laugh, tease, and love each other! :) So have a better than GREAT day! :)

1 comment:

Gayla said...

Hey Heidiann - glad you updated! I like the picture too.